After walking through the park, we made our way to the entry of The Red Square. First we looked at some souvenirs while I tried to discourage the compelling pull of St Basil's at the other end! Incidentally, and really just a note for my own sake, the next time I go to Moscow, I'll have to pick up a St Basil's snow globe (finally a globe that's realistic!) and a St. Basil's tea cozy (I don't think I'll find one of those here in Samara!)
Next, we lunched in an outdoor cafeteria. I got some potato salad that looked fine until they the cafteria guy reached over and begun to put an large mayonnaise peak on my mountain of salad and I also got a kebab that I thought would have a mustard sauce on top, but turned out to be curry which was no problem since curry is fine in my book.
Our next stop was a small chapel with icons in it permeated with the best smelling inscence to ever reach this lady's nostrils. Then it was off to a posh shopping mall where your needs for Louis Voitton and Joop! can be sated. I enjoyed the inside architecture with grand layers and a central open air strip in the middle. The opera music piping throughout the mall didn't hurt either. After getting some coffee ( how can I explain who I was dragon?), we finally made our way to St. Basil's! I would have run inside if Shawn hadn't decided to just circle the outside grounds, which I was grateful for since I had told Jeremy I would wait to see it with him at a later date. Besides the gorgeous cupulas (onion domes), fantastic folk art decorated the stairs and sides closer to eye level. Said designs will make great future embroidery projects I predict!
We were beat from all the wlaking, so Shawn and I decided to make a casual direction to our hotel. On the way, we saw what looked ot be a little grotto on the top of which sat two lions. Someone had come along and painted their toes with polish. I realize that's defacing property, but so cute!!!!
Wait shortly for the installent of part 3!
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